When Ernest Gellner began writing on nationalism, anthropogenic climate change had not yet been fully identified as a major global crisis and a threat to human survival. But by 1983, when his most famous and highly cited book ‘Nations and Nationalism’ appeared in print, the prospect of climate change was already being considered across a […]
Il punto di partenza di questo libro è la constatazione di un dato di fatto: il cambiamento climatico in atto è epocale, e se non venisse fermato i rischi sarebbero incommensurabili. I negoziati internazionali sul clima, però, si concludono spesso con un fallimento, o al limite con il raggiungimento di traguardi parziali, e a tante […]
‘Nationalism, boundaries and violence’, Millennium. Journal of International Studies, vol. 28, no. 3, 1999, pp. 553-584 DOI: 10.1177/03058298990280030901 full article In an age of transient sovereignties, collapsing state frontiers, expanding hybridization, ethnic amalgamation, cultural mixing, and ever-increasing inter-communication, a remarkable interest in boundaries has sprung up. Typically, ‘boundary’ and related terms have been in use since the […]
Current research Three main lines of research I. The first line of research focuses on the historical processes of state-led cultural homogenisation (1789–1915). This is in line with my previous (and broader) research on the role of modernist ideologies [1] and associated practices of cultural homogenisation recurring throughout contemporary history under the umbrella of Westernising […]
The historical processes of state-led cultural homogenisation (1789–1915) has been a neglected area of investigation, even though practices of cultural homogenisation recurred throughout contemporary history, mostly under the umbrella of Westernising modernity. The research takes place within the theoretical framework of ‘critical modernism’. Not to be confused with the homonymous post-modernist approach, I redefine ‘critical modernism’ as an […]
My second line of research revolves around the broad impact of cultural globalisation on nationalism/ethnic conflict, exploring how both are deeply related to changing – yet crucial – political concepts, such as democracy [21-25], self-determination [26], new notions of sovereignty [27, 28], war [8, 29], the Left-Right divide [12, 30-32] and ‘secularised’ ethno-religion [33]. This […]
‘Conversi has skillfully woven together three major themes of modern nationalism: the importance of values and culture, the role of the state, and the sources of political violence. He does this through a masterly study of the differences between an inclusive Catalan, and an exclusive Basque, nationalism.
The death of Professor Walker Connor (1926–2017), a prominent figure inpolitical science with a vast intellectual legacy, has left a huge vacuum amongscholars of nationalism.I would first like to celebrate Walker, the man. Besides being a world-recognised authority, Walker was a generous man, always ready to helpfriends in difficulties, often involved in charitable activities, such […]
El Antropoceno es una nueva era geológica provocada por la acción de los seres humanos. Elcambio climático es consecuencia de una idea de progreso abocada a la catástrofe socioambiental.El examen del neoliberalismo pretende desentrañar las causas de una degradación sistemáticade los recursos geológicos y de sus efectos asociales e insolidarios. La prevalente ideologíaconsumista ha sido […]
Interculturalism provides the core framework for immigration-related policies in Catalonia, while remaining deeply intertwined with Catalan nationalism. We first identify ‘intercultural nationalism’as the core doctrine through which Catalan nationalist discourse has been articulated in relation to immigration. We trace interculturalism’s origins tonationalism in Quebec and argue that, in Catalonia also, regional immigration policies have been […]